A simple program, that
establishes a taskbar icon, enabling you to quickly and easily
change the screen resolution.
A program that I have needed
for a long time. It is a many file renamer. That is, you
select a dir, type in a phrase and it will replace that part
of the filename with something new.
Demonstrates how to use a .ini
file, to access data that can be easily updated. This is an
advantage over the registry, since the registry is incredibly
slow. (Version
v0.3 |
Program that displays the
current IP number of the machine, and various Winsock
information, like version, max sockets, max UDP size, system
status, vendor info no. and description. (Version
v0.3 |
Program that searches
recursively from a particular dir, for files of a specific
type, containing a particular phrase. Prints out the part of
the phrase line, and the line number. A simple extension the
search32.asm. (Version
Program that searches
recursively from a particular dir, for files of a specific
type. Prints out the part of the name of the file, and where
the file is located.
Program that displays the
Memory load in a graph, within a small window. Includes a menu
to change the options. Features a popup menu, saves settings
to the registry, and a variable size window. (Version
Program that displays
information about memory. Uses a timer interrupt to update,
and a dialog box as the main window. Includes tab control to
switch between stats, a graph and options. Thanks to 'RAZOR'X
and his program mem-info
and Latigo for his
program Tab Control.
(Version Info)
Program the displays
information about memory. Uses a timer interrupt to update,
and a dialog box as the main window. Also Changes the window
text so that load is updated in taskbar. Thanks to 'RAZOR'X
and his program mem-info.
Creates a timer event, that
invokes a WM_TIMER message every so often. This program also
changes the title of the program, so that count is indicated
in the taskbar.
Draw a bitmap on the screen.
The bitmap is included in the executable file through the
resource file.
This is a program which
demonstrates using a dialog box, to display information in the
about box. Thanks to betrayed and his program resolver.zip.
This program is incomplete, the link should change colour when
the mouse is over it.
Demonstrates a simple win32
program.Opens a window with a menu, and show how to accept
input form the menu. Also adds on a popupmenu, accessed by the
right button, and shows how to create a menu from scratch.
Searches throught a file for
all instances of a string, and prints out that line,
with the line number. Show how to load a file into memory, and
then look through it.
View the contents of a file, in
Text, Hex and Dump. This program is incomplete.
Shows how to use the vertical
scrollbar and horizontal scrollbar. This is an updated version
to vscroll32.asm below and handles
resizing of the window properly, and watch as the scrollbox
(thumb) changes size when you change the window size. Update:
New flicker free version
Shows how to use the vertical
scrollbar (things are very similar for the horizontal
scrollbar).Illustrates procedure calls ShowScrollBar
and SetScrollInfo.
Program which shows a directory
tree of the current directory and all the subdirectories
contained within. There is a dos version available here.
[Work in Progress]
This is a very simple windows
program, to illustrate the extra overhead involved with
programming under windows. It simply creates a window, and
prints out the text Hello World using TextOut.
Another simple program, that
opens a window, and displays the mouse coordinates, and the
position of the left and right buttons. Demonstrates the use
of the wsprintf
function, to print out numbers.
Demonstrates adding a menu to
your program. Opens a window with a menu, and show how to
accept input from the menu. Illustrates how to incorporate a
simple resource file into our program, and the Makefile. Also
introduces the MessageBox
function, to create a simple window.
Uses an icon to replace the
boring windows default. Very simple program, but important use
of resource file.
Changes the properties of the
window using DragAcceptFiles,
allowing it to accept a dropped in file, and then prints out
the file name using DragQueryFile function.
A minor extension to drop.asm,
by allowing many files to be dropped, rather than just 1.
Prints out how many were dropped, then the names.