AsmSource : Assembly Language Programming

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Updated 26 November, 2001 10:13 AM

Date Change applied
26 Nov 2001 Hutch recently changed his site address. He is the creator of the masm32 package. I have updated the link to his site, and added links to geocities and tripod sites that also contain the masm32 package. Hope to get some programming done soon.
27 Sep 2001 Updated resize v0.2 added ability to change to any possible screen resolution.
18 Sep 2001 I have needed a program to change the screen resolution easily for quite a while, so i decided to write one. And here it is, resize v0.1. Haveing some problems with the mail client, but since i am on Uni Holidays, i might get a chance to do some work on it.
1 Sep 2001 Added a new program, MegaMail, up to v0.3. This program checks you POP3 email boxes, and displays the number of messages in each. It is my found hope that this program develops into a mail client, like Eudora.
19 Aug 2001 Updated renamer v0.2, this version actually works!
18 Aug 2001 Added a new program, renamer v0.1, a multiple file re-namer, which I have needed for quite a while. Also updated getip.asm v0.3, and searchin v0.3.
15 Aug 2001 Changed the look of the source page. Easier and cheaper, as far as time goes, than writing some new program.
21 July 2001 Uploaded a new program, a slight variation of ip32.asm, called getip.asm v0.1, which looks up the IP number for any Host Name.
20 July 2001 Uploaded ip32.asm v0.3 and ini.asm v0.3.
19 July 2001 Uploaded ip32.asm v0.2, which presents a much nicer interface, about screen and a meaningful icon. Also added a new program, ini.asm v0.1 that demonstrates how to use a .ini file to access data.
18 July 2001 Finally added a new program, simple internet utility that displays the IP number of the machine, ip32.asm v0.1.
8 July 2001 Added some new links. Also, a whole bunch of useful utilities, due to the request from the poll I added.
19 Apr 2001 Added a new counter, this one is supplied by freeservers... and i know what your thinking, cant have too many counters. A poor substitute for new programs but hey, what the hell. Also added a poll, so go pick something!
18 Mar 2001 Started back at Uni, so that is my reason for not updating lately. That, plus a little thing called Cara, but i will try to put in a little more effort. Added searchin32.asm v0.2, which added win 2000 compatibility and fixed a simple crash problem.
25 Feb 2001 Added searchin32.asm v0.1, the big search program, and updated memgraph32.asm v0.4, with a few minor changes, ability to change the size of the window coming soon.
21 Feb 2001 Added searchfile.asm, a very simple program, but part of the the effort to write my big search program.
18 Feb 2001 Update memload32.asm v0.3, and memgraph32.asm v0.3 fixing some major bugs which caused memory leaks, and the system to run out of handles.
15 Feb 2001 Added memload32.asm v0.2.
14 Feb 2001 Added popupmenu32.asm since i had to learn popups menus for my new program memload, i thought i'd put up a simple demo, and updated memgraph32.asm to a version v0.2.
13 Feb 2001 Added memgraph32.asm v0.1, my biggest and best program yet.
12 Feb 2001 Added mem32.asm.
11 Feb 2001 Added timer32.asm.
10 Feb 2001 New ISP, huge delay in getting back online. Added about32.asm and bitmap32.asm.

26 Jan 2001

Added view32.asm v0.1 (Australia Day!)
25 Jan 2001 Updated Scrollbar2-32.asm to flicker-free version.
22 Jan 2001 Added Scrollbar2-32.asm to windows source code.
21 Jan 2001 Added vscroll32.asm to windows source code. Added link to toolbar and vscroll proc calls.
17 Jan 2001 Added toolbar32.asm to windows source code. Added links to registry proc calls.
16 Jan 2001 Added regi32.asm to windows source code.
5 Jan 2001 Added dropmany.asm to windows source code.
4 Jan 2001 Added drop.asm to windows source code.
28 Dec 2000 Added icons.asm to windows source code.
23 Dec 2000 Added menu.asm to windows source code.