AsmSource : Assembly Language Programming

Dos Source

Win Source




Windows (32-bit) Assembly Language Utilities




Masm32 v6.14
geocities mirror
tripod mirror

Microsoft 32 Assembler, used for compiling all the windows source code on this site. Link to Hutch's page.

4,093,089 bytes

W32Dasm v8.93

Windows Disassembler. (Only available from Geocities) 610,177 bytes

Win32 SDK Knowledge Base

Knowledge base containing lots of info for Windows programming. (Only available from Geocities) 859,132 bytes

Nmake v1.5

Make utility to run Makefile scripts, used to compile programs a lot easier. 51,928 bytes

Windows 9x/ME utilities from Sysinternals




Filemon v4.33 This monitoring tool lets you see all file system activity in real-time. 78,145 bytes
Regmon v4.32 This monitoring tool lets you see all Registry activity in real-time. 68,544 bytes
Portmon v3.01 Monitor serial and parallel port activity with this advanced monitoring tool. It knows about all standard serial and parallel commands and even shows you a portion of the data being sent and received. 116,678 bytes
Process Explorer v5.00 Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded. 77,082 bytes
TCPView v1.11 See a listing of all open TCP and UDP ports with this graphical
tool that implements a subset of Netstat's functionality. Source code to the command-line version, netstatp, is even included.
31,503 bytes
VxDMon v1.0 VxDMon provides a never-before-seen look into Windows 95 VxDs. See how VxDs interact with one another and monitor the performance of VxD services, including your own. 61,719 bytes
TDImon v1.01 See TCP and UDP activity in real-time with this advanced network API monitoring tool. 97,830 bytes
Handle v2.0 This handy command-line utility will show you what files are open by which processes, and much more. 27,757 bytes
ListDLLs v2.22 List all the DLLs that are currently loaded, including where they are loaded and their version numbers. 53,248 bytes

Windows NT/2000 versions available from Sysinternals.


Dos (16-bit) Assembly Language Utilities

Borland (now Inprise) Turbo assembler will compile all of the files you download from this page.




Tasm v4

Borlands Turbo Assembler, used to compile all the dos source code available at this site.

166,642 bytes

Xray v1.5

XRAY is a DOS programming tool which displays informative messages about the operating system (DOS) functions. 13,491 bytes

AD86 v3.22

Infamous Assembler (not so good) and Disassembler (excellent), for use in analyzing an debugging your programs. 35,765 bytes

Files v3.0

Very useful file management program, written by myself, in 100% assembly code. 41,758 bytes

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